Get Help

If you or someone you know are in need of emergency or community services, RISE can assist you in accessing the help you need. Please visit our Community Resources page or call us at (518) 587-6193 for more information.


If you or someone you know is homeless, has a psychiatric disability and needs a residential housing program, is in recovery, or needs assistance in coordinating services, you or in some cases, a mental health professional, can make a referral to one of our programs listed below.

RISE offers a variety of housing programs and support services. Eligibility and how to access these services varies by program type. For detailed information please visit each program’s individual page.

Residential Housing Programs

RISE Residential Housing Programs provide housing in Saratoga County, but we accept out of county referrals for most of our Residential Housing Programs.

Mental health professionals may refer adults to our Residential Housing Programs by completing the  Saratoga County Adult SPOA Referral Form.

Housing First

RISE Housing First is proud to be a part of the Coordinated Entry System – an approach to coordination and management of housing and supportive services that allows users to effectively and efficiently connect people to interventions that will rapidly end their homelessness.

Support service providers can refer individual or family to Housing First by calling the Housing First Coordinator at 518-587-6193.

Affordable Housing

Dominic Hollow Apartments and The Riverview Apartments at Corinth

We maintain a waitlist and continue to accept applications for both Dominic Hollow and Riverview Affordable Apartments. Please download and mail the completed applications for our affordable apartments to:

Temporary Stabilization Programs

The Diversion Referrals are currently restricted to Saratoga County residents.

Mental health professionals may refer adults to Diversion submitting the Diversion Program Referral Form and a signed copy of the Diversion Program Rules.

Support Services Programs

RISE Support Services Programs provide Care Management services in Saratoga and surrounding counties.

AOT Services are only provided to individuals residing in Saratoga County, Warren County, and Washington County. To refer an individual for AOT Services, please contact  Adult Care Management.

Recovery Services

Hedgerow House,  Hedgerow Apartment Program (HAP), and RISE Above Residential Rehabilitation Program are located in Saratoga County, but we accept out of county referrals for services at Hedgerow House and HAP. These program will consider self-referrals as well as referrals from all appropriate agencies, family members and employers.

  • For Hedgerow House please call 518-885-3872 for more information or to make a referral.
  • For RISE Above Residential Rehabilitation Program, please complete the RISE Above Screening Packet.

The PSAP Recovery Apartments are located in Saratoga County, but we accept out of county referrals for services at the PSAP Recovery Apartments. Mental health professionals may refer adults to PSAP Recovery Apartments by completing the  Saratoga County Adult SPOA Referral Form.

Justice Involved Individuals

Individuals appearing before the Saratoga Springs Community Outreach Court in the City of Saratoga Springs are automatically referred to RISE for services.

More information on Eligibility and Referrals

For information on eligibility or more information on how to refer individuals to any our  services programs, please visit each program’s individual page or call for more information. For assistance with the referral process

RISE Housing and Support Services
Phone: 518-587-6193
Fax: 518-587-8703