Support Services


RISE needs your help to create Homebase – a place that will combat isolation and provide semi-structured therapeutic opportunities for people to develop skill sets and a natural support system.

Homebase will be a low-barrier, psychosocial day program that will provide a supportive, safe community for disenfranchised, vulnerable citizens to simply exist and be accepted.

The Homebase program will be located at the RISE Main Office in Saratoga Springs within walking distance of the Rt. 50 CDTA Bus Line.

Homebase will be a drop in center – no referrals will be needed.

Care Management

RISE Support Services embraces trauma- informed, person centered care in our approach to Care Management.

We believe that every individual and family has strengths.

We recognize that individuals and families are the most effective drivers of their care.

Care Mangers assist with referrals for medical care, dental care, social services, mental health treatment, substance use treatment, financial benefits, and housing.

Child and Youth Care Management

Child and Youth Care Management works with the family as a whole. We seek to strengthen each family member’s ability to navigate the maze of systems. Doing so helps them to access appropriate services, both now and in the future.

Adult Care Management

Adult Care Management connects people with needed services, and help them communicate all their service providers in collaboration with the individual. They assist with referrals for medical care, dental care, social services, mental health, substance use treatment, financial benefits, and housing.

Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)

AOT provide intensive monitoring, treatment, support, and care management for people identified by the courts under Kendra’s Law.

To refer an individual for AOT services, please contact Care Management.

Referrals for RISE Support Services Programs

Our Care Management Programs provide services in Saratoga and surrounding counties.

To refer a child or a youth to Care Management, please complete a Children’s Health Home Referral Form.

To refer an individual to Care Management, please complete an AHI Health Home Community Referral Form.

For assistance with the referral process, please call.

RISE Care Management
Phone: 518-583-3640
Fax: 518-587-8703