May is Mental Health Month

RISE Housing and Support Services is proud to recognize Mental Health Month. RISE encourages people to talk about their experiences in a continued effort to destigmatize mental health and to further the movement toward significant cultural, political, and policy changes surrounding mental health.

RISE residents shared what having good mental health means to them including the importance of participating in mental health treatment, the support of friends and family members, and the activities and coping skills they use to maintain positive mental health.

Edgewood House Residents


“It is important to have good mental health because it make me feel better and helps me to get along with my friends.”


“I listen to music and socialize with my friends to help be in a good mood.”


“I like to use my coping skills like music, talking to my mom, and talking about my mood, feelings, and emotions so I don’t bottle them all up.”

Progressive Steps Apartment Program Resident 

“I would like to thanks to everyone involved with my mental health and everyone who supports me with it. RISE, my family, and the Saratoga County Mental Health Clinic.”

Rain House Resident

“Going to my program at Unlimited Potential really helps me a lot. While there, I enjoy doing word searches and other types of games. It keeps my mind sharp!”

Milestone Manor Residents

“Physical activity helps me relieve my stress and anxiety. It gives me energy.”


“Exercising helps me to keep going mentally. It helps me to be more inspired.”


“Walking takes my mind off of things because I am concentrating on the walking. I feel much more relaxed afterwards.”

Help RISE end the stigma: let’s talk about mental health!