Bikeatoga Bicycle Donation Program: Providing Transportation for the Community

Hedgerow House would like to give a huge shout out to Bikeatoga for assisting the community with transportation through their bicycle donation program! Thanks Bikeatoga!


Hedgerow House resident riding a bike he received from Bikeatoga

Bikeatoga is dedicated to pushing for a better future by making functional cycling more convenient, accessible, and safer in and around Saratoga Springs. Their volunteer members work to emphasize the environmental, economic, and health-related benefits of everyday cycling. Bikeatoga supports the development of bike lanes, paths, and traffic-calmed streets that connect local neighborhoods, schools, and work places.

The Bikeatoga Workshop is a volunteer-run bicycle recycling program established to repair used bikes and get them back to people who will ride them.

Their Earn-a-Bike Program empowers community residents of all ages to earn a bicycle of their own. Each adult participant is required to complete 3 hours of work in the workshop to earn a bicycle. Work could include mechanical repairs, maintenance, or cleaning. Volunteer mechanics are on-hand to help direct bicycle repair. If you are seeking a bicycle for a child under 18, you can pick up a bicycle without “earning” the bike. This program is free of charge.