Residential Housing

RISE Housing and Support Services offers a variety of residential housing programs that provide stability and security to individuals with mental health diagnoses and other life challenges.

Each of our housing programs provide specialized programming bringing a trauma-informed, person centered approach to residential care.

Our approach honors each person’s unique challenges and needs. We utilize the harm reduction model  to lessen the harm associated with certain behaviors until they are ready to stop them altogether. We support independence and foster improved self-esteem as individuals work through the healing process towards personal wellness.

Community Residences

Community Residences provide 24-hour supervision in safe, supportive, home-like environments to create a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.

RISE operates two Community Residences, Milestone Manor and Rain House. We offer specialized programming to support and promote personal wellness.

RISE Diversion Program, located in the Rain House community residence, is available to adults receiving services from the Saratoga County mental health system who need short-term, intensive 24-hour supervision.

Transitional and Permanent Apartment Programs

Residents in the Apartment Programs are provided furnished single or double unit apartments located in the community throughout Saratoga County.

Progressive Steps Apartment Program (PASP) is a transitional housing program providing residential and support services to assist individuals to live more independently.

Supported Housing  is a permanent housing program providing residential and support services to assist individuals to live more independently.

The apartment programs provide coaching, support, and guidance on an ongoing basis to enhance each resident’s ability to live successfully in the community.

Referrals for Residential Housing Programs

RISE Residential Housing Programs provide housing in Saratoga County, but we accept out of county referrals for most of our Residential Housing Programs. Mental health professionals may refer adults to our Residential Housing Programs by completing the  Saratoga County Adult SPOA Referral Form. If you need help with this process or to learn more, please call for additional information.  For assistance with the referral process, please call.

RISE Healthy Housing and Support Services
Phone: 518-587-6193
Fax: 518-587-8703