RISE Housing and Support Services has partnered with Children’s Health Home of Upstate New York (CHHUNY) to provide Care Management services. We serve families who live in Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren, and Washington counties.
Care Managers work closely with the school systems. We coordinate with community service agencies to ensure all family member’s needs are met.
We are committed to working with the family as a whole.
We believe that every family has strengths.
We consult families about their care because we believe families are the most natural and effective drivers of their care and know what they need to satisfy their needs.
Our aim is to ensure that all family members’ needs are met. Thus, we seek to strengthen all family members’ ability to navigate the maze of systems. Doing so assists them to access appropriate services, both now and in the future.
Services Provided
- 24-hour emergency on-call
- Trauma-informed, person centered care
- Referrals for medical, mental health, or other community services.
- Monthly meetings with Child and Youth Care Managers
- Service coordination with community providers and natural supports
It is preferred that the Child/youth currently has active Medicaid. However, it is not required to establish services as long as the additional Eligibility Criteria requirements are met. Our Care Managers can assist with obtaining Medicaid for the child/youth.
The additional Eligibility Criteria MUST include:
Child/youth resides in an eligible county: Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren, and Washington;
AND Child/youth meets the NYS DOH eligibility criteria of:
a. two chronic conditions, or
b. HIV/AIDS, or
c. complex trauma or,
d. serious emotional disturbance
e. HCBS eligible
AND Child/youth has significant behavioral, medical or social risk factors which can be addressed through care management.
Child and Youth Care Management services are provided in the following Counties: Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren, and Washington.
Mental health professionals may refer children or youth to Child and Youth Care Management by submitting a Children’s Health Home Referral From. If you need help with this process or to learn more, please call for additional information.
Care Management
Phone: 518-583-3640
Fax: 518-587-8703
Email: cminfo@riseservices.org
Phone: 855-209-1142